Tengslaráðstefna vegna Uppbyggingarsjóðs EES

Tengslaráðstefna vegna Uppbyggingarsjóðs EES
Uppbyggingarsjóður EES

Tengslaráðstefna vegna Uppbyggingarsjóðs EES

Rúmenía heldur tengslaráðstefnu á netinu 23. febrúar næstkomandi. Félagasamtökum sem áhuga hafa á samstarfi við rúmensk félagasamtök (vinna og ferðir greidd) geta skráð sig á ráðstefnuna, sjá meðfylgjandi auglýsingu:

Matchmaking seminar for Human Rights projects carried out in partnership by entities from Romania and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway

The Romanian Social Development Fund (RSDF), as Programme Operator of the "Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Enhanced Roma Inclusion" (Local Development) Programme, funded by the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021, intends to organize on February            23, 2021, an online matchmaking seminar aimed at facilitating partnerships between entities from Romania and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, for Human Rights projects to be submitted under the Programme.

The event is to be organized in the context in which RSDF launched, in January 2021, the call for project proposals "Human Rights – national implementation", funded through the EEA Grants 2014-2021. The call has a total financial allocation of 8.868.529 Euro and aims to improve the implementation of the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg (ECHR) and the country recommendations issued by other Council of Europe bodies.

Central public bodies from Romania, with responsibilities in the field of human rights, and active Romanian non-governmental organizations with proven experience in the field of human rights are eligible applicants. The projects, the value of which may vary between 500,000 and 2,500,000 Euro, may propose a large range of activities such as: the development of public policy documents/ improvement of legislation/ action plans (and piloting these measures), creation of immediate action mechanisms to implement the recommendations made by Council of Europe bodies, creation of transparent mechanisms for informing the public on the recommendations and country reports issued by the ECHR and other bodies, organization of communication campaigns on human rights, provision of legal assistance to victims of human rights violations, the establishment of consultation mechanisms with representatives of vulnerable groups, in order to harmonize legislation with the international documents signed and ratified by Romania. Partnership with international organizations and eligible public and private entities from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway (any commercial, non-commercial or non-governmental organizations with relevant experience for this area of action) are encouraged.

The matchmaking seminar aims to facilitate the development of bilateral relations between such entities in Romania and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, with the immediate aim of establishing partnerships for the joint development and implementation of eligible projects under the "Human Rights – national implementation" call for project proposals.

Mannréttindaskrifstofa Íslands

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Skrifstofan er opin frá 9-12 og 13-16