Ráðstefna um samstarf á vegum uppbyggingarsjóðs EES í Lettlandi

Ráðstefna um samstarf á vegum uppbyggingarsjóðs EES í Lettlandi
Uppbyggingarsjóður EES

Þann 11. desember n.k. verður fundir um samstarf á vegum uppbyggingarsjóðs EES í Lettlandi. Fundinum er ætlað að vera til fræðslu fyrir frjáls félagasamtök í Lettlandi um kosti og galla samstarfs við aðila á Íslandi, Noregi eða Lichtenstein að verkefnum sem styrkt eru af uppbyggingarsjóði EES.

Nánari upplýsingar um fundinn og skráning á hann fer fram hjá skipuleggjendum hans í Lettlandi í gegnum netfangið; Ilze.Dumina@sif.lv 

Society Integration Foundation as a programme operator of NGO Fund in Latvia invites you to experience exchange seminar on bilateral cooperation projects of the EEA grant NGO Fund in Latvia. The seminar will take place on Thursday 11 of December in Riga, Latvia.


The main idea of the seminar is to present the EEA projects implemented in Latvia with bilateral cooperation and provide insight and inspiration to project promoters and potential project applicants of the contribution of partnership and bilateral cooperation, as well as to discus main findings and weaknesses of bilateral cooperation within EEA grant.


The seminar is intended for NGOs, as well as for professionals responsible for initiating, developing, organizing, strengthening the bilateral cooperation.

The seminar includes opening speeches by Norwegian Embassy, as well as from Norway Helsinki Committee and Icelandic Human rights centre. The guest lecture will conduct inspiring speech on the role of international cooperation in modern society. The FMO will give an overall situation analysis of bilateral cooperation within NGO Fund. The main focus of the afternoon session will be on experience exchange of the projects with bilateral cooperation, as well as partners from Iceland and Norway will stress the advantages and challenges of being a donor partner. The seminar will also provide the space for discussion – to find the synergy of bilateral cooperation. Please find attached programme.


Apart from the seminar, Norwegian Embassy in Riga has planned a small reception on the evening of 10 December.

Please confirm participationonline or do get back to Ilze Dumina, Ilze.Dumina@sif.lv, by 2 of December.

Mannréttindaskrifstofa Íslands

Mannréttindaskrifstofa Íslands var stofnuð í Almannagjá á Þingvöllum hinn 17. júní 1994, á fimmtíu ára afmæli íslenska lýðveldisins. Skrifstofan er óháð og vinnur að framgangi mannréttinda með því að stuðla að rannsóknum og fræðslu og efla umræðu um mannréttindi á Íslandi. 


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Mannréttindaskrifstofa Íslands | Kt. 620794-2019

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Skrifstofan er opin frá 9-12 og 13-16