
Among the first projects of the ICEHR was to hold a course/seminar about human rights in cooperation with the Icelandic Law Association. Renowned speakers came to speak at the seminar, among them the two most experienced specialists Iceland has on human rights; Guðmundur Alfreðsson and Jakob Möller but they had at the time been working for the United Nations for decades.

The ICEHR also held courses for many years about human rights in cooperation with Save the Children in Iceland and the Continuing Education department at the Teacher Education department of the University of Iceland. Some human rights courses have also been held for immigrants through the years.

To celebrate its tenth anniversary in 2004 the Centre launched a campaign to raise human rights awareness with Icelandic youth. The Center provided human rights education in secondary schools all over Iceland.

The ICEHR has been working with international organizations through the year on transnational education and has participated in projects involving the publishing of educational material on human rights with financial support from the EU. The Human Rights Education Project (HREP) was overseen by the ICEHR and done in cooperation with UN's University for Peace and the Dutch government. The office has been invited to take part in organizing courses overseas to educate people on human rights in Iceland, but the office has not been able to accept these offers due to budget restrictions.

Because of PROGRESS grants from the EU, the ICEHR has held a few courses the last few years. The most successful course was the course on Equality and Anti-Discrimination which was held both in Reykjavík and Akureyri for NGOs and workers/trade unions. The course aimed to educate them on the European directives on equality anti-discrimination.

Icelandic Human Rights Centre

Túngata 14 | 101 Reykjavík | Sími 552 2720 | info[at]

The office is open from 9-12 and 13-16