The purpose and aim of the Center is to promote human rights by collecting information on and raising awareness of human rights issues in Iceland and abroad. The Center works to make human rights information accessible to the public by organising conferences and seminars on human rights issues and by providing human rights education.
The Center also promotes legal reform and research on human rights.
The Centre has managed EU Progress Programme for Iceland for the years 2009-13, it coordinated and hosts the Human Rights Education Project, it works closely with the other Nordic Institutes, it is a member of the Nordic School of Human Rights Research, the AHRI network, UNITED and the Coalition for the OP-ICESCR.
The Centre serves a monitoring role and has, since its incepetion, commented on dozens of bills of law and public policy and provided information to international monitoring bodies on the state of human rights in Iceland.
On our web-site you will find:
- Information about the Icelandic Human Rights Center and its work.
- Information about Legislation and Human Rights in Iceland.
- Access to information from the Human Rights Education Project.