Heimsókn frá slóvakískum félagasamtökum

Á dögunum heimsóttu tvær konur frá slóvakískum félagasamtökum Mannréttindaskrifstofuna í þeim tilgangi að taka þátt í dagskrá til kynningar á íslenskum félagasamtökum. Var heimsókn þessi í tengslum við Uppbyggingasjóð EES. Hér á eftir fer frásögn af heimsókn kvennanna, og einnig af stöðu mála er varða réttindi barna í Slóvakíu samkvæmt upplýsingum frá þeim, en ein ástæða heimsóknar þeirra var að fræðast um hvernig unnið er að réttindum barna á Íslandi.  

In June 2015 our organisation had an opportunity to host two ladies from Slovakia, Mrs Dana Rusinova from Children of Slovakia Foundation and Mrs Zuzana Konradova from Coalition for Children Slovakia. They participated in a workshop that took place on 9 June at the Icelandic Human Rights Center facilities. The following organisations presented their mission and activities: Centre for Gender Equality in Iceland; Women’s Counseling in Iceland; Icelandic Human Rights Centre; Women in Iceland; and The Centre for Gender Equality Iceland. The workshop was also attended by portuguese colleagues from Associacao Fernao Mendes Pinto Portugal.

The Slovak visitors also shared information about what has been going on related to children and their rights in Slovakia. In this respect we learned that Slovak legislation is increasingly more reflective of the obligations of Slovakia arising under the Convention on the Rights of the Child. However, in practice Slovakia is significantly behind and does not use the full potential of the existing legislation.

In particular, Slovakia fails to meet its obligations under the Convention, most significantly in regards to Roma children. Many of these children live in segregated neighbourhoods, in inadequate housing with poor hygiene and nutrition. As a result of poverty and social exclusion, parents are negligent when it comes to their children’s health care and education.

Disabled children are another group of children whose rights are violated in practice, mainly because there is no early-intervention and support provided to families. In addition, the schools are neither interested in nor prepared to integrate these children into the regular education system.

The progress Slovakia has made in the last few years is in the area of violence against children. The remaining challenge, however, is the creation of an effective system for detection and early intervention at the local level.

More and more children in Slovakia are stricken by poverty. As a result, their rights and needs are not fulfilled, primarily in the areas of access to adequate living conditions and education, and also to leisure time opportunities.

A recent positive step for Slovakia was adoption of legislation creating the office of the Commissioner for Children. The Commissioner’s office should start operations before the end of this year and has the potential to cooperate closely with NGOs.

Mannréttindaskrifstofa Íslands

Mannréttindaskrifstofa Íslands var stofnuð í Almannagjá á Þingvöllum hinn 17. júní 1994, á fimmtíu ára afmæli íslenska lýðveldisins. Skrifstofan er óháð og vinnur að framgangi mannréttinda með því að stuðla að rannsóknum og fræðslu og efla umræðu um mannréttindi á Íslandi. 


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Skrifstofan er opin frá 9-12 og 13-16