Félagasamtök í Rúmeníu leita eftir samstarfsaðila

The European Economic Area represents an opportunity for economic cooperațion between the EFTA States and the countries of the European community and , also, an opportunity for better better knowledge among members countries, to study the working methods and mutual improve them through transnational cooperation. The Urban Regeneration Resource Center, an NGO from Timișoara, Timiș County, Romania, with support of Timis County authorities, is developing a program of mutual experience exchange between the authorities and organizations from Timis County and those from the donor states. The theme of this program will be "Development of the intervention tools in case of Roma children and youth at risk”. The program's main objective is the development of bilateral relations in order to optimize the methods of intervention in the case of Roma children and youth at risk, by studying and comparing the methods used by each side.

Áhugasamir geta haft samband beint við samtökin fyrir 30. september n.k.; office@crru.ro eða adrian.mirescu@prefecturatimis.ro

Mannréttindaskrifstofa Íslands

Mannréttindaskrifstofa Íslands var stofnuð í Almannagjá á Þingvöllum hinn 17. júní 1994, á fimmtíu ára afmæli íslenska lýðveldisins. Skrifstofan er óháð og vinnur að framgangi mannréttinda með því að stuðla að rannsóknum og fræðslu og efla umræðu um mannréttindi á Íslandi. 


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Mannréttindaskrifstofa Íslands | Kt. 620794-2019

Túngata 14 | 101 Reykjavík | Sími 552 2720 | info[hjá]humanrights.is

Skrifstofan er opin frá 9-12 og 13-16